Is your business making a positive impact on the world? Are you thinking about the well-being of people and the planet alongside your profits? If so, you could be our award winner. 

We want to recognise and celebrate businesses that are genuinely putting people and planet at heart of their business. Those who are leading the charge, showing that's its possible. We want to showcase these businesses to inspire others to join in, to be the change in the world we want to see. To help create a better, more sustainable, more positive future.

So we're introducing the; People & Planet Business of the Year Award

The award will be announced at our Gala dinner in November, where none other than Mary Portas will be out keynote speaker (and maybe award giver!)

By entering, you stand a chance of being one of three shortlisted businesses invited to attend the sold out Chamber Gala Dinner on November 14th and we'll work with you to create a 1-minute video highlighting your achievements, which will be showcased on the big screen during the event and shared with our extensive online community across all our channels.

Let's celebrate Better Business.

What do you win?

Three companies will be shortlisted and will be invited to the gala dinner on a table hosted by the award sponsor, Little Green Energy Company.  

3 shortlisted candidates will:

  • Receive two tickets to the Gala Dinner
  • Promoted on social media ahead of the event 
  • Announced shortlisting in Chamber enewsletter which goes to over 3500 subscribers
  • A 1-minute video will be filmed to share during the event, on social media and in enewsletter
  • Press release issued on shortlisted candidates ahead of gala dinner
  • Branding displayed on screens during gala dinner 
  • Feature shortlisted candidates in Chamber section of Connect Magazine
  • Featured on Chamber website 

The winning company will also be:  

  • Follow up feature on the Chamber website 
  • Invited to the stage to be presented with the award by Mary Portas 
  • Promoted in the local media post event 
  • Promoted on social media post event 
  • Invited to Sustainable Business Initiative group to share their best practice 

For more information and details on how to enter visit our website.

People & Planet Business of the Year – Guernsey Chamber of Commerce