Our speaker for the evening is none other than Mary Portas. While renowned as the 'Queen of the High-street,' Mary is currently championing initiatives that prioritise both people and the planet and her insights promise to inspire and empower.

During her fireside chat, Mary will share her insights on the importance of prioritizing People, Planet, and Profit in that order. In a world grappling with the aftermath of a global pandemic and the challenge that climate change poses, her message resonates deeply. Now more than ever, businesses must embrace their role as catalysts for positive change, creating good jobs, adding value to society, and taking responsibility for our environmental impact.

We believe that in harnessing the ingenuity of our islands entrepreneurs and the transformative power of enterprise, we can forge a path towards a positive future. Join us for an evening of enlightenment, inspiration, and celebration as we redefine the boundaries of business and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Let's embark on a journey towards a world where the well-being of our planet and its people takes precedence and commerce thrives.

Mary Portas (Businesswoman, broadcaster, author and activist at We Are Portas)

Mary Portas

Businesswoman, broadcaster, author and activist at We Are Portas

Mary Portas OBE is a businesswoman, broadcaster, author, activist and change-maker.

After transforming Harvey Nichols, Mary founded her retail consultancy, working with global retail giants. In 2009, Mary partnered with Save The Children to reinvent charity shops. Mary’s Living & Giving shops have raised £30m to date.

As co-chair of the Better Business Act, Mary leads a coalition of businesses to ensure UK companies align their interests with people & planet.

Most recently, Mary took on the government with Kevin McCloud & Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall in The Great Climate Fight on CH4.

In 2024, Mary made the King’s New Year Honours list, being awarded an OBE for services to business, broadcasting & charity.