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What is being proposed?

The Island Development Plan was adopted by the States in 2016 and It sets out all the land planning policies for the island.

The scope of this review primarily includes housing land supply as well as employment land supply to meet the Island's needs for the next five years. The scope also includes a review of the effectiveness of policies relating to delivery of Affordable Housing, a review of the relevant policies that require private market housing development to provide an appropriate mix and type of dwellings, a review of the effectiveness of Development Frameworks, a review of the provision of flexible and adaptable homes, an update to Areas of Biodiversity Importance (ABIs) designations, and a review of the L'Aumone Local Centre boundary. Additionally, a review of minor issues and clarifications which have been identified since the IDP was adopted relating to both the written statement of the IDP and the Proposals Map is also included within the scope, so that the opportunity can be taken to make minor amendments to address these.

Members Ticket

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Guernsey Chamber of Commerce
Business Development Centre,
Market Buildings,
St Peter Port,

St Peter Port, Saint Peter Port, Guernsey

what3words: reacting.stays.down

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email megan@guernseychamber.comYou can also reach us at 07781433980