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Event Description

Green habits are firmly established in our personal lives but are not always as commonplace in the office.

Yet there are great advantages to embedding green practices within businesses; particularly in how we use, manage, and buy technology.   

UN1TY & Sure seek to lift the lid on Sustainable IT - what it is and why it matters, so IT leads, procurement managers and sustainability ambassadors can walk away with practical ways to reduce IT costs and boost operational efficiencies. (Plus, do the right thing for the planet!

Cyrille Joffre, COO of the Sure Group, and Mike Ozanne, founding partner and head of technology services at UN1TY will present new ways of making your IT and infrastructure strategy more sustainable, by addressing topics such as: 

  • The business case for incorporating green IT practices. 
  • Eco-friendly alternatives to purchasing new user-devices, without compromising on performance. 
  • How strategic use of the cloud can be your net-zero best friend.  
  • Sustainability in the age of BI and AI, and how to balance 'green' with growth.  
  • The impact of green IT practices on your reputation  

The above will be brought to life with real-world examples from Sure's own's sustainable operations. 

Join us to discover more about how Green IT solutions can reduce your IT carbon footprint and reduce computing costs by up to 30%*




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